Hybrid link for Teams and StreamBox launch - Thursday 15 June 2023, 11:00am - Public-i Talk
Hybrid link for Teams and StreamBox launch
Thursday, 15th June 2023 at 11:00am
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really bit on picture and picture thoughts,
people can see boats, both sides of the room.
yeah and it yes, frozen because of quitting behind soil.
it will put him back in the areas we are.
and I'm gonna share this screen.
come 2 10 59 0 right
yeah, I think we can
allow anybody in it, and that's fine,
we've shared the meeting with with all of our clients.
so yeah, people, there's yeah, expecting quite a few people remotely
and, as I said, we've got to two butterflies.
soulful and a Salford and called Adele in the surface in in Halifax.
and yeah, thank you for coming to this
to this meeting, this is basically a launch demo for two products that we've been working on,
one of them is hybrid link for teams,
which allows you to integrate teams with the was your meeting
your meeting space, your Council meetings,
allows you to control the meetings microphones,
whether they are removed or in the room.
and also launched some votes across the two sides of your meeting,
and also we also. going to talk about the stream box, which is a little new little encoder.
recreated for smaller meeting rooms.
and uses a 60 camera to capture, I assure you that in a bit.
I trust we OK to start.
there's quite a lot of people who are literally just arriving some media, maybe one more minute than say, I'll say they get the notification a limited clock from their room,
from the calendars and stuff.
yeah, that's OK,
so for people that are coming in just to explain this is a managed meeting and we've set it up, so we do software so that it's only two people can be active at the same time.
I've set it up, so people like me or the account managers are, I've got a priority, so they don't count in that limit, OK, so they are the reason, so if you wish to speak you can use your one button
and if there's enough space in the queue
you'd be able to speak straight away, but if there is not then you might see this pop up in teams. said that you've been muted joy, this is completely normal.
basically, the systems put you in the queue. so I would recommend, is that you leave your chat
window open.
because this is where we display, where you are in the queue.
and so it gives a clear
representation for the councillors or attendees of the meeting see where they are in the queue and you can see again it keeps the iconic location.
if the person is in the Chamber with a physical microphones or is remote with a little
display, I could.
yes, then, if it's your turn to speak, you will see a message at the bottom.
said as an example, Michael yours, it's your turn to speak and you can just press the unreal button,
as Kissin was saying, we cannot use the hand-up feature, that's in teams and for charity.
because we've got no way of
turning it all off for for the for the clients and
for the remote people, and that's why we can use this feature for now.
but really, the idea is that it works similar way as a microphone systems, when you're, when you're in the room, you press your mic on if you're
a fuel expert, you speak, otherwise you an acute.
what makes sense
so yeah, leave you chat,
panel open if you are remote, that will tell you where you are,
because I'm presenting.
I will not see the Q nominee, I see the queue on the signage, so I'd expect
one of the guys like Kisarawe and Adam tell me.
if they are people wishing to speak,
and please do you, can
you can actually
ask questions during the meeting we've we've done is I
am going to run through a presentation.
for the two products that we are talking about today.
then we would go into demo 4 for hybrid link for teams
and then
do some questions Q, and A and then we move on to the stream box, it's just a presentation at points because
it would be a bit too difficult to plug it in
onto onto the system here
but people that appear in the in Halifax we'd be able to actually see it when we when we do the break
so it should I think we should finish about 12 12 13 maximum
depending on your on your questions.
yes, I think we are ready to start.
yeah get good, so you want to jump in with her
yeah thanks can I can I?
in the I am in the speaking time, so I was going to suggest the flurry of people joining in the meeting now have has stopped or slowed down, is it worth it, it looks like everyone in the speeding queue were those that joined the meeting at that stage is it we're tearing the speaking cue so that if anyone does want to speak during the meeting they can use the speech junction
of Croatia do that now.
yeah, there's a lot of people in speaking to.
that's fine, so I can
go the nice things, I'll show you what the the software looks like. I think I've shown my screen, this is what the operator software looks like again, I'm going to show shoestring stores if it's a bit confusing, but this is the operator software that I am using now to control the
the meeting has received again I can see people that are in the room
like Taylor over there has got physical microphones and people that are remoter
on here, some of them are speaking
and I can actually earnest pupils that are in the waiting queue because we put a limit of two people, so I'm actually going to clear the waiting queue.
and that's sure to also put a message on a chap saying that the meeting shows me clear and we've got two people here that
is there to remote people here, Graham and
Sonnet, that stepped in to speak, they wanted to, but I think otherwise they can just turn their my phone on and off or I can just remove them from the speaking queue.
the software allows you to do many things and we go through it, but allows you to start to vote, allows you to.
managed. The speakers, as I mentioned, also allows you to control the webcast, so I've started the webcast already, I can see a preview what people the public sees
on, the members of the public are seeing on the on the webcast, and I can also change the
showing you guys seen this before, but this is basically tablet interface. Allows you to change the picture and picture
a few of the things that we lay out.
we also have a time as well on here.
I also get controlled, or the system itself in terms of the audio, if it's
too loud or something like that,
but I'll go into the presentation because this will make a bit more sense
when I go to it.
so hybrid link for teams, so why did we
we've actually, yeah, you know, what hybrid meeting is, we're trying to bring
people in the Chamber.
with remote participants into the same meeting,
you know what the challenges are, we have to manage the remote participants with that. dodgy internet connection, some time you you also want to make sure that both sides are hearing each other well, they are able to present
as well if they need to do presentation, so they the important thing as well is that they should have equal opportunities to speak and vote as well we talk about the regulations in the second on the next slide.
but yeah, the other challenges, the fact that we know that you guys have got limited resources,
and that's why we want this software to to be just managed by one operator, that's the less the idea you can have extra people to also manage the room and participants that could be remote, but the idea is that you have one main person to manage everything if you want to
and obviously you also wanted transparency so the public needs to and needs to be able to see the and hear the proceedings need to understand needs to see both sides of the meeting.
so, in terms of the hybrid meeting regulations, we
actually have just had.
confirmation from
NOC, so
that's actually Northern Ireland just are changing their regulation, they will be allowed to
to vote remotely and do hype run hybrid meetings very soon. so it's just going to be England, really that is going to be left.
the fact that
you can't run hybrid meeting where you have a vote, in the meeting, because you need to have a certain solicitor present next to the people voting.
the rest of Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland are already allowed to to do so and, as we were saying earlier, it might have been because of the fact that Leeds places have got no devolution and the fact that they are really large councils.
so travelling from one end to the other is is can be difficult, and we know that this is also
because of the fact that now councils are becoming bigger because of the industry.
we hope that the regulations are going to change, I imagine that this is something on your side.
councillors want
I imagine over time that this is something that's going to change.
so, while the idea is that we received one to help
all displaces, but also we also want people in England to be to be ready for that change as well.
because we understand that it is quite difficult when you have a meeting with maybe hundred people, 100 attendees, if you've got, maybe 50 in the room, maybe.
the other half remote managing or
the two sides can be difficult.
so during the pandemic we came up.
no, sorry. so before we are talking about, so this is hybrid link for teams, what we've done is that we've integrated SpaceManager, which is our operator software, to come back to this in a minute.
and connect, which is a streaming platform with teams.
SpaceManager allows you to control microphones and votes in a hybrid meeting, and you lose and integrates with the Bush artistic microphone systems.
we'll add
other microphone systems as we grew, but, to be honest, these
other these are the two main manufacturers that are left nowt to to make conference microphones or the other players have actually left the market, unfortunately.
so what is hybrid link again, because I know you wanted to change the name because he found it? it is many miles too many, far too late to any foreign names.
basically, during the pandemic, we came up with the hybrid link, because we we had a remote platform that we created to allow people to do completely remote meetings we added voting added voting into it and added the the ability to manage the
the queue of speakers.
and and it is great, it's a great platform
and we also have, as I said, connecting be able to manage the bookings or
automated remote gov or CMS, obviously it as the camera follow as usual. and
I also allows us to webcast to the public.
on the right there, you've got SpaceManager, which is basically the operator software that allows you to control the microphones on the votes.
the feedback we got from Kinect remote is that
it's a great piece of software, because it's all you need, is your browser, you know, you don't need extra software installed on your laptop,
you can also use it on a tablet if you need to and it's really easy to go into the meeting
but the problem was,
a lot of our clients use teams, there's about 80 up 80% of our clients that are using teams actually,
we found that the, especially after the panning, because so because of the cancers being of a certain age, they don't really like changing platforms too much.
sorry saying this,
and that's why really
for Democratic Services, they found it difficult to move away from teams, so in the past six months working on the plan on the
on the new
change of are some changes basically on your product that allows us to
use teams instead of connect remote as your video conferencing platform.
so allows us to offer more people using teams instead of connect remote.
so, as I explained already, SpaceManager is our operator and signage application.
it allows you to create votes, allows you to manage the speakers and, as I said, in also manage the the webcast, all in one place
and, as we see in a bit, it allows us also to display the voting, but also the remote people from teams,
so what are the requirement for hybrid link for teams?
as I said, you need a Bush or a terrific software terrific microphone system. so we worked with the scientists, wired or the day, scientists wireless for Bush, a lot of you have got the dissenters wireless.
it is the
de facto kind of.
kind of mark system, this is what we're using here today
in in the room, but also a lot of you have got the television wired or wireless, they've got two different system for the wider than wireless, you've got the board and the older
confidence which can be wired or wireless and you've got a new flex
which is a touchscreen which is why it all wireless as well all of these microphones.
can sometime works as standalone microphones,
but to be able to work with SpaceManager, you will need to have the Koechlin software so that we can communicate with the microphone system.
for now, we're looking to. data software.
at 1.00 point and avoid the need for this, but for now you will need the CoPlan software, but normally most of the time when we've
added a Mac system like this, we would have
added the cocaine software to be able to do the the ID cards to be able to do the voting and so on.
so in terms of how it all plugs in.
the SpaceManager software works on a Windows laptop.
which we can use we can, we can have two ways of connecting it, one laptop set-up
where we use obvious or is sold under on the laptop to be able to capture teams that had sits in the background.
and SpaceManager uses
obese to then display teams on the signage.
so that makes it four people, I've got
av hybrid set-up, which is a lot of you.
really in a new chamber that means not much change on your on your set-up, the only thing that we need to make sure is that the fact that you've got a new-fangled connection on here, that hooks up onto our racks or we can communicate to the microphone system but most of the time that should be the case.
and now we also provide a second way to connect, which is a two letter to laptop set-up, and this is really for added security, because
I imagine you, sometime your IT department, wants you to run teams on on a specific network and do not like running at all now. network and then, and that's why we need an extra capture card and extra laptop to be able to to make this work, so this is really for added security
if, if you need to, but as I said, the one laptop set-up is really I imagine what people will want to do most of the time.
to be honest, people that are remote use their own connection most of the time, so it makes sense to to just use our connection for four teams as well.
any way we can talk you can talk to your account managers about this, I know it's a bit complicated and.
I don't want to drown you with too much information.
so how does it work,
so I'm going to take you through to the workflow of how you actually create a meeting at people into the meeting and then how you actually, on the day of the meeting, how you start start the meeting and do the things that you need to do as an operator. or also we also see what looks at for the remote people as well,
so I would create a meeting and teams as an organiser, I would add.
I suppose people
on Tinder got different ways to do it, you can do it through the the teams, think you could add the teams directly into into the invitees, or you add people individually, I don't know how people do it usually, and the way we've done it today is that we've added our staff.
into into the attendees, we then shared the link
to all the external invitees, OK, so that works both ways.
and then, if you want certain members of your organisations to have priority when they actually want to speak.
you can actually go into the meeting options and add some of some co-organiser
into the meeting, so today I've added Seren add Adam as galvanises, because I want them to speak at any time during the meeting, and I imagine that might be the case for clocks for Adam or for maybe a chief exec, I don't really know how your your
how it's set up in your organisation?
I met, I imagine the Chair has to be in the in meeting, so you don't do not need to add the people that are going to be physically in the meeting room, but I suppose if you're not sure if they're going to be here or not
you might want to add them anyway.
Ben what you do, is you click on the ones we've actually so, as one stepped, I forgot to to actually add
in this PowerPoint is the fact that obviously once we've agreed with your IT department that you want this feature
on your on your system is that we need to talk to you to your IT department, get it installed on your teams as an app and once they are done they've done that.
our hybrid link for teams will appear as an app built for your organisation, so you can click on apps on the left click on the highlighting for teams,
and then you get this pop-up here
and you added to the meeting.
you search for your if you've got a long list of meetings, we might be a busy person.
you search for the name of the meeting
here, added it for the the one today and click on set-up, but
one that will
bought into the meeting, so what about is in teams, speeches, basically it's like a fake.
attendee in the meeting, and that's what allows us to communicate to the bridge between the Chamber and the
and the remote attendees.
so the butter is added
and then on the day of meeting.
what you want to do is go into teams, copy link of the of the meeting.
go on the operator's laptop go into space.
and placed the link of the meet the team's meeting into the team, stop click, join
then as an added security to prove that you are a moderator for this meeting, you need to log in as the one of the organisers and until you username and password, usually your e-mail and password.
and to accent, and then you will then have confirmation that the SpaceManager and Botha have been all now in sync.
in terms of, and then you go into teams itself, you join forgot to clearly show the calendar again.
yet to come during the meeting, as you would on team meeting.
you select your
audio and video devices, as you would for hybrid set-up.
and so obviously you want to see the cameras from the from the Chamber, you want to be able to hear to also push the audio, the speaker audio on into the Chamber as well, so you need to make sure that you've got the correct.
device set, but that should be remembered every time you come back into the room, to be honest,
once you done that you go into, if you've got one laptop setup, you you then open or yes, you select the teams.
window, unfortunately, teams creates a new window every time you start a new meeting,
so that's why you have to do the step for now, this is something that we want to make automatic and better.
but for now you have to do it manually.
another thing I would recommend is that you mute notifications, so you avoid, because we, as I said earlier, we have in the chat, we have, we provide notification, everybody's every time somebody is wants to speak, you don't want these. being to be to be happening in the meeting of a forum for everybody in the Chamber to be hearing this, so you actually want to meet not locations.
that's it, and then in the SpaceManager software, you click on remote and then you get to see the remote people in the room.
with the queue as well, so you get to see we speak in who is waiting in a queue, and that's where we have for really for your chair person so that they can see what was going to be next.
as we talked about earlier as an operator, I will then be able to manage the speakers to be able to actually drag people from the attendees list into the speaking list
or drag them out of any of the queues and have complete control over the meeting.
as we talked about in the beginning, as well, for people that are remote, if they want to speak the click on the mic button, and if there is space in the queue, they get speak directly, otherwise they could put in a queue and they can see in a chat where they are in the queue.
so hopefully they modify
yeah yeah move and just just come in because Tom Kanye and her messages as well, just saying they can so floats puppets from teams, so as he was saying it's in the meeting chat window that hybrid in for teens is like a car but it's also like a chap at conservatory time the speak key changes its or sends a new chat message, so if you're doing other things not that you're not 100% concentrating on every single meeting you're in
if you're doing other things on your laptop while listening to the members
what you can do in the top is just go into the settings, so there's the three little dots in the table between windows and settings. yeah
yeah, and then the meeting notifications are perfect, I'd always ensure, if that was in there or not, but yeah just because Tommy mentioned, and I thought I'd do that in case it was,
you might be a naughty Councillor Andy doing other things.
it is it is happening.
yes, a year, a very good point, yes, we do get a lot of.
changes if there's a lot people that
actually want to speak, you get a few notifications, you can turn them off if you want to.
OK, so in terms of the voting, so as a man as a operator, I can start to vote, I can create a topic.
good to see, I get to choose whether
I people see the summary of the vote during or after
the meeting I can get.
and then, when I start the vote now.
people that are in the room will use their microphone system to vote and people that are remote with teams, we get a message on their chat
and the cliche click the vote button, I see on the on a chat and then get pop up and I get to say yes no or abstain if you are o'clock or if you're not eligible to vote, you've got a fourth option.
just in case you are not eligible to vote
at the moment, we are, we can't assign voting rights before the meeting, this is again something that we want to add at a later date.
so only people that are currently in the meeting will be able to vote.
and we do it, we'll do a demo of it in a minute,
what else did I want to add
yeah, I think, wanted to say about the the fact that we integrated in Macron's system instead of using a bring-your-own device. kind of format is that we know how hard it is to know if people were to bring their own device, they're going to forget them or they are not going to battery on them, and it's always going to cause all sorts of problem, and that's why we prefer to use my phone systems that are dedicated ready for voting and for doing things like that.
and you can control.
the waste done in the Chamber.
so that makes sense.
I suppose now we can go into a demo,
that's all right.
so I'm going to I'm going to continue sharing my screen, so you might see yourselves in the
in there which might be a bit strange.
but I'm going to show a little bit in here how we're going to do this, actually I'm gonna leave it on
on the left-hand side,
we are going to actually stop the sharing of the screening teams we are going to run, we're going to manage Mike phones and get a few people to speak to that's alright.
so we can see this too of me, because
I've looked into teams Stephen fed
on as well as adding a microphone that's in the room as asked if an affair normally it might be another.
I don't think a chairman would be the same as an operator's OK.
I am doing many jobs at the same time today,
but I need some help, let's get, let's get some people to speak, so I suppose.
let's get someone to say a few words and there was a priority person, so he'd be able to chat straight away.
maybe you can tell me we should invite from the rest.
at any annual, I suppose hi everybody. whoever succeeds or lost questions, it is one thing I wanted to ask about was all we are inviting questions whilst you're talking, or should be waiting until the end?
I think it's a good time to
to do it
since I had a slight four questions after the vote, but it makes sense, obviously we're going to do a demo about the vote in a minute,
but yet anybody can I suppose anybody can ask
a question or question and you can press
your your Martin Birch you can actually talk now hello great yet so question about the chap so.
in the chart
you get that display of who's waiting and who's currently speaking, can you currently use the chart for its original chat purposes, what happens with that, so does the overlay appear each time and each chap message?
that's a good question, so it will be a big, it will come as the last.
depending if his somebody's asked for pressed a button for four for talking or not, they will come
as the newest message.
but they will not, if you are asking a question on the church's steer, be able to see it.
come back, so they do it, it is only one message appearing at 1.00 time.
4 from the
the hyperlink for teams, because what we do is we delete the previous one that we created and add a new one, so we are not going to flood so the CHA history will have lots of those and must be,
I won't miss yet it's just maybe you would get a lot of notification popping up, of course, because it changes, but in terms of if you look in the chat itself it will, it will appear, I think if I actually show you what it looks like
in the room.
you can see.
so you can see that this is the the regular caption Adam, a figure of I think we call that a little caption saying.
yeah, and this will get replaced every time it changes OK.
so if, if somebody wasn't stood, tried to chat, feel free to give it a go type, something in there, and you'll see the effects of it, the hybrid and linked teams, but will actually just move down.
to resign, it needs to refresh itself.
so feel free to typing a question into the into the chat facility,
I can see turns to this video on series is eating to ask a question.
that's not to say
I'm being polite, can I speak if people hear me yells your video camera on here, I'm I'm gonna, increase the volume a bit.
can I ask a question, go for it,
thank you add so when we use in hybrid at Epping Forest District Council, we like to encourage people who are coming in remotely to keep their cameras on, so obviously in this demonstration at the moment most people have got their cameras off but obviously when you're participating in a meeting we need we like to see people that they're actually there and I think there's a governance issues that with that as well because if you disappeared from the the debate remotely you, you're kind of the bar in yourself in some governance form from I'm not an expert on this, I'm a comes manager not Democratic Services Manager for anyone, doesn't I mean
we would want cameras on, can you control people's cameras remotely through teams,
no reason, not no, no, this is a privacy issue and same thing with the remake really we can
tell them to mute their Mike, but we can't actually there, Mike remotely because
we can't in terms of privacy rules that we can't do that OK.
so we can meet
yeah, we can move from the blue,
but we can't admit that's right,
so I suppose a good practice would be to have videos on or cameras on all the time
is that something that we want to test now to test the resilience of
a large number of videos being turned on at the same time, Adam Steph,
it doesn't matter is going through teams, so I don't think it's a problem for Forest but I think teams limit the number of videos that you can see at 1.00 time
so, so you won't be seeing that many.
at 1.00 time, unfortunately, but
you can try to, from my perspective, stay in or be interested, say is if other people have got their cameras on that, we can't see them immediately, but as the debate proceed it would be like we had a load of Caputh, councillors online, so we would see the transitions on the screen, which I think would be helpful.
I think
I think different cancers have got different ways to do it. I imagine that people will be already have
councillors in Wales
and Scotland, as for during the pandemic, you're working also as as a hybrid in hybrid formats. I imagine you all have different ways of doing things.
so I can see in the chat that people are actually showing actually explaining the way that the they're doing it on their on their side.
and can I ask another question
to get forgive me, you probably answered it already, but if I'm a Councillor and I wish to indicate to speak, do I simply undo my microphone or do I
that's all I do that's right yeah as I said earlier, we cannot use the race.
functionality within teams because they?
it doesn't allow us to turn it on and off remotely, so we've had to use the mute button as as a way to to request to speak, we explain that in the help guide that you can see as a button on the
on the
quibbling and chat,
we explained awfully. clearly enough, the fact that you know it actually says in the team's race hand from charity. is not taken into account
so if I'm a councillor and I've annuity because I want to speak,
is there an easy way for me to see the are now on the list and people know, I'm one, so I can see myself that I'm on the list is whether other people know that I'm in devotion to speak as I would do if I was in the room put it in my hand
exactly so if you see on the chat Tom, you can see the haggling for teams
and a chat and says if you've got a speaking list there and you can see that Tom Khan is in the is now speaking.
and can we have maybe another five people just turn on the madness and you'll see what happens with the yeah yeah, I think
it is numbered yeah, I think Tom, because you were there was a space in the queue straightaway when you are muted it just unmetered and left you a muted if there wasn't space in the queue, what you would have got is a little message saying you have been muted and then you in the chap you'd still be there, but there would be a waiting queue list and you'd be in there and then when you came into the speaking key it would have sent you a message saying you can now on you
to that I think, because you are nice and quick and there would be questions, he managed to skip that there, but I think if a little bit like the other people talking to give it a go, you can do that and if you wanted to remove yourself from that speaking key list or we'd need to do is try to mute on you again and it would take you out of that list so
I OK, thank you, thank you Exec notes yeah, I've wanted meeting long at a harsh law, a shrill news. Thank you,
Stephen Jason, thank you for trying that out because,
yeah yeah yeah yeah mutes it again, so it's gone, but if he if you want muted, you'd notice that your names came up in a speech in a queue and it was numbered.
and I'll just keep adding numbers to it,
regardless of how many people once joined the queue
yeah, so I
think when are you today to, I think too many people in the queue such as told me that I've been removed from the queue then it let me know that I was in the queue and then when I got my turn it said I couldn't move so there's procured nothing.
seems to be quite a nice.
right in that year. I think it'd be an unlikely setting that kind of thing in the chat is just it's kind of there and present, but it doesn't discourage away from all the other chat info that is on their she in units useful from a
information point of view, it doesn't lad
in the the the chap right, I'll be quite
as well and it would be good somewhat if we, because that little help, guide bids, it's something useful for what we think is the information we think should be in
but if, if he goes when you're using this meeting as you're going through, if you have a look at our guide, there's anything in there that you think would be useful to have in the help guide in that chat blurb once you've had looking at me, you know you've experienced it first-hand for you and let us know afterwards there's anything that you would have been useful to have in that help guide that but that'd be great as well.
Short again,
we have just to say so we got Graham bought out if you want to mute or can remove you from the queue if you didn't want to to say anything,
Hello, yeah, sorry, that was an accident, how do you how would I cancel
if I did press the by at? that's fine.
how many Councillor,
normally you just meet at a meet yourself and meet yourself and then meet yourself again, and that will take you out of the queue yeah.
sort of like the system understands
that you've taken your time, even if you just quickly, so
you do not need to last for a year.
so we are Steve hi Steve. if you want to Inuit
plaster him now, I was just pressing the buttons, unfortunately below the question.
and we got Malcolm McLaren some items with
so little idea, the name is inverted Acland OK.
am an from Shetland Islands, Council all have to talk to you about your ma laughing the Shetland 0 Islands, but I'm your man, but that's
a London
borough where it is
now. that's
what I was going to put
a tiny, be up, I put a tiny bit of France, I don't know if you noticed.
they see us.
so my question currently I mean well using the very basics at the moment, so we haven't been using the waiting in the queue function
and SpaceManager, so
my question is more around how you
deal with when there's a debate going on and, at the moment, members are so familiar with mutinous and muted themselves just when they're speaking and then when they stop speaking,
if they'd asked the question, but the may have supplementary questions and they are new themselves, or will they just go right back to the bottom of the queue? Again,
yes, they would do, but the thing is you can actually increase the size of the queue. I mean we put it to two people today, which I think is Greer. Remember that the Chair will not count in this is in this year, OK, so you can really have a street people conversation going on with people turn over of that they're like from. Yes, you're right, I think that's enough, but some other council councils might want to increase the size of that queue to three for however many, many people you think is yeah,
yeah, yeah yeah
sorry, but just to say I'm
sorry, I don't mean so much in.
in SpaceManager, you can we have the waiting queue reorder people in that queue,
so if you've got a queue of five people wait coming on something but the person who's got the right to reply, as it were.
tries to meet again they can be moved to the top of the list
you know, sort from Deng says, as well as managing the meeting.
at first publicise what people know.
the ministerial letter, this is for charities, not it's not finished section,
I know we are working on it, so this is a functioning and that money works with the Kinect remote, but we teams, we haven't done it just yet,
I think
but this is definitely something that we'd work on. Launch can modify yet go for it,
so I just thought it would be good to clarify for everyone who doesn't already know that any as Steph said, anyone who is listed as priority and I see him in teams as well. Anyone who is an organiser or co-organiser is given sort of priority status that they don't count towards the total number of active microphones so they can come in and out of the meeting at any point, and they don't need to be put into the waiting queue. So that's that's why it appears that we did. We have a lot more than two active speakers, but the rest of us are all priorities. That's that's while it seems larger than it should be
little did you want to come back, no, I think it will just be an education thing once we start using the model of the functions.
and will?
I think it would just be a case of
the Chair being very conscious that if they need to be brought back in, then we can move them up the queue
so permanently that Spurs manager at the moment,
so can we not do that
on space miles regarding real horror,
yes we do we can,
you can look, and it's just that, we're not using the function for the
waiting speakers we have that turned off at the moment, so it's all done by a hand up in the room or by at least hands mission deepens and you can use.
you could use the speaking cue and have the actual speaking queue at like five, which I doubt you'd probably want more than for their members or school.
I'm just going to say if I was to put out my mic, I would go to the end of the queue if I put it back on again, but I will just become one just for the Chair to actually say. to the door to the person if they wanted to come back in and the organiser of the the committee officer sitting there, we'd move them back up in the queue so that they could come in, so so that's OK, it's just. it's just a
point of question now fully.
it's good
to know. the answer
to the question in that.
we're saying how can speaking key be conveyed to the Chair of the hybrid equipment, is not anywhere near the chair as the Chair would need to announce cancers in the queue,
so I suppose some of this is to do with only on-screen which no, we can't see a sort of staff funeral to share you the screen assume the display and in in Halifax there's actually a list on the screen.
the we can't see in teams just yet Rousseff shares, I'm sure we can there's a list next to oafish everyone who's in the meeting,
as well as Sergei so as well as the speakers, and the waiting queue and just attendees in general. so it's point good, so that that's what the Chair will be seeing or the people in the room should be seeing, so there will always be able to see who's waiting in the next list or indeed who's or actively speaking.
so this is what we see in the room, so that helps the Chair with this thing where who is next to speak.
that's clear as this bit.
next bit, we're going to do if there's.
I think, Jason Jason at the question
I yeah, it's just a couple of observations, I think the first one is probably not relevant, but I think when you mentioned about
the the hand up functionality and teams are just observed. Obviously you can still use that within teams, but it doesn't do any integration with the with your sort of space manager, right side of things that's fine, the only shot. Just operational thing that has occurred to me is, if I've an muted to kind of put myself in a queue ready to speak, but there isn't a queue on already in the dialogue and I guess they'd be a bit of management Conor operational management discipline around taking your turn to speak because
you can't lie, then mute your microphone to white, to be asked to speak because then you're going to come out of the queue and you'll come out the active speaking list, so I guess that my understanding that correctly I suppose it's just from the sort of governance point. it was sort of a new team to go, I want to speak next, but if there's no queue, my might live and I'm kind of in the in the Chamber speaking so
there was a dogs, not barking or whatever.
so so the message on on the buttocks should tell you if yours, if it's your turn to and Mudie should tell you that it's your turn to an EU treaty at the moment, because there was nobody in the queue. when you
when you were trying to speak, then that's why you moved up straight away, and
so it gets a bit of soft fine tuning that number of speaking lies to make that work, the best for you, for your hearing, yeah, I think we had a bit of a game with the queue when we first were fairly new adopters, I think so I think when when we had a queue we just ended up with a lot of confusion of who got to speak next, so they were a bit more bit more. I think the team a bit more mature with their use of it now, so could be, could be good to explore at the year. That was really just a couple of observations to
check jets yeah Jason, just to add to that belief, if you do find that you have too many people at all trying to speak at once
but one person was allowed to speak, the operator can actually mute the others, so you do have the flexibility to do that,
and then I'll just kick everyone out and they'll have to go back into the cube again,
the are Calais that's good to know so yeah yeah, if it gets crazy mute everyone and then start reset start again, yeah yeah, no, that's good thanks concerned
a strong sense of unity on the site to include the party stages as well.
it can actually newt the priorities feature as an operator you can actually have control over anybody's microphone, yes.
who the operator has the big ultimate?
you don't have to tell them that.
OK, Gus.
no, I think we were good, I think we're in a do vote now
yeah, so it's really
hot in any facts.
so I'm going to share the screen quickly.
so you get to see what I'm doing
as an operator.
this one
I say this to you won't be able to see it on, yes or no, I'll have to do it another way, it's fine, so I buy that
stuff sharing a share in line.
other screen.
go and we're going to do about.
so I'm showing you what the operator software looks like now.
so if it's all a bit confusing,
but we are going to start to a vote.
you can't actually, in SpaceManager, you cannot actually prepare your vote in the vote in advance of the meeting, so you can have safe you go in to save votes and you had all your votes beforehand and then you can actually
pop them up straight away without having to enter it.
do you like to step yeah
met me, maybe maybe make the vote about,
do you?
are you likely to use hybrid LINk for teams, I think that's more appropriate that we get a good feel of that?
the other was don't any any Dan is today doing.
no, it needed just just to get
a true feel of this, you know how many
more there are on the table today are likely to use this particular
software coming forward, that
we can do it now and we do already and was to all of the other aspects as well.
so we say that you're allowed to abstain as well if you want to.
actually, just going to put a summary
during the vote, normally, I suppose,
do not want to display really here to avoid people
influencing the vote
but and now wants, or does not actually actually start stop devoting a second, what happens on your microphone systems in the room you were see devote popping up on your side as remote
you will see. a new,
a new chat
with a button
saying vote click the vote button.
you, you need to press on that and you'll be able to actually see a pop-up allowed allowing you to vote.
in the room and be able to display the vote results as they come in.
sorry, you guess might not be so you actually this, is you so you on the left-hand side, so you can buy some here and then you get to vote
and you can do the same thing on the right for the little
this is to show you what people see when they are when they are remote.
they click on the vote button in the chat.
and they've got the choice, as we said earlier on my side I'm not eligible to vote, I'm going to
do that and you get to confirmation at the moment you cannot change, your vote is something that we might
do late on.
so at the moment I can see that
we have a lot of people voted, so this is the point of software, I'm going to move that a way now and I'm showing you what we see in the room on the signage screen we can see that 31 people have voted.
I think that's a good enough number
you can then,
when you're happy with that.
pochettino given a few more seconds staff because the the other pop-up information made there came
up before we can get to the vote are really another this is just for for you, you might have, it might happen for you, or we have a small issue that we're fixing at the moment.
yeah, if you're in within the same organisation, you might see this
pop-up window instead of divot, but I hopefully none of the external parts felt.
we see it, so all you have to do is close that little press close the close button on the right hand side, and you should see the vote.
and I was able to say, yeah yeah, I forgot to finish it didn't show them to do.
at this rate,
anyone familiar with St Mark's
systems, such as
so awfully youngest, 33 people now.
and I'd have voted
so we are happy with that, what we won't do is end the vote
and we get to see the results of the vote we can in the signage. we get to see the itemised data, we, we can see the remote, you get again the little icon showing you whether you are, you were removed or local in the meeting.
and what you can do as an operator is you can actually download that data after the meeting or during the meeting, if you want to, so you've got the past results on here and you can click on that and export the results as a PDF or as an Excel spreadsheet.
there's an option to also do that automatically and save it onto a network drive if you wanted to as well,
so that's quite useful, so every time you have a vote and you finish it, the file will go directly on the Honor Network drive, you could maybe
even automate that even further by using the Excel data to then push into what Gove or something like that
and a courtly question from Anne Jenkins is the saying, yeah, can you do
so privately.
anonymous voting and
saying the option is yes, she can, if you don't show that on this side feet don't show the individual results, it will just show yet the the elections, but I just wanted to point out that technically the information about who's voted which way is saved within the software it's just not, you know it's only accessible if the if the operator actively goes and gets it.
but with no money, you just see that if you wanted to just show that summary screen for the people in the room and again during the meeting that that's all that would show during the meeting.
yeah the
there is.
has that were you referring to, so I can choose to not not display these devotes yeah,
but a bit yeah, if you don't just read a result, a toll that no one gets to see the results of who.
but you could just leave it on summary for both and then during the vote and then after the vote, all that would show is the summary of how the boat went, but I just wanted to point out that technically the information is within the system, but it's just not actively shown during the meeting unless you choose to say
so let's do one and the second actually
staff there was sorry can I just jump in?
I think Elaine Elaine had another question, I just wanted to clarify the question, really it was about whether you could change the voting options.
Halane, or are you referring to the yes, no, abstain or yes, no, and those options?
was for the oceans or or against just another particular example, we tend to have a motion and various amendments, so we would need the option of two want to vote for the motion, the motion amendment and by whatever party amended by this or abstain so yeah, stability to have a change the the options can just score against and abstain so
Elaine so which Councillor you are you from sorry,
Glasgow Glasgow insists, so yes, we did have a user of Leicester, then we in about this functionality or the ability to,
to actually rename the options that you have and are having up to five options. it is, we are a bit limited with the microphone systems, unfortunately, because they only allow for the option for gains or yes, no, yes, no abstain,
which is a bit annoying
and we have been thinking about a solution for this, but it gets a little bit complicated because we did have to actually
create multiple votes and vote for each option sequentially which makes it all a bit complicated for the for the
for the users, but we are still thinking about how we can implement it. The problem we have is that
it's we have, we have a lot of things in our development queue unfortunately, and we will not be able to concentrate on on that just yet, but we are still thinking about it in the background, I know it's important for you guys in Scotland
I have seen a few clubs in England actually wanting to be able to do this as well, for when they want to vote for a chairperson and so on.
so yes, keep telling us.
reminding us about that one, but yes, we are wanting to push this up at some point in
the development.
OK, so far, yet
a year it was just a quick one, I noted it a Pearcey, so in teams you only get the option to vote once and then it locks it in.
but I've noticed on the mix, and you can
vote is made to try to change your vote until the votes closed yeah, yes, the Recari,
actually that's the point around mental issues.
but maybe he didn't have any Adam, do you think that maybe we should make that the same way bus on the because at the moment we can change all of it remotely, it would make sense for the people that in the room should be able to change the no vote for now and to bring back a function I did it good
to be able to actually put the legwork in to anything or be making the team's strokes updatable rather than room driver.
block magnetism, succeeded to the max systems can have their own
web. Working with Williams is how we can manipulate those.
I think that's a better option because it has a as possible extending about the wrong way. So I think it's good to be able to change your mind. Must've I still active
Chair yeah, or at least a message of some description two sides to specify for people voting remotely that you know wants you for cast your vote, will be locked in, so make sure you pick the correct option.
OK that makes sense, so we will take the bacon moved, so we had the empty pool
options and we now
so allow.
so there's actually a couple of slides, and we'll show you on what we want to build on top of this
and go into that allow change your vote, that's what we'd said,
so let me because we've been a bean we've been going on for a while already so we need to
on to make sure people see.
don't get too hot in air because it's boiling.
so we've done the questions, I think that's fair enough.
you guys can see my screen remotely right.
yeah yeah. nice, OK, so a future development, so having we talked about the fact that we can't use the the and up feature and teams, I think, go instead of.
using the the mute button
we'd like to.
to request to speak, we'd like to at some point maybe having thought happening for teams to have its own tab, also avoid all those pop-up notification showing up if you've not metered your chat.
so so, yeah, but this is a sea we wanted to have something that works
for for now this we can't do, I think there's a purely imitation for us for us to be able to do this yet, and this is why we wanted to provide a functionality that works for now.
I suggest better put to see what the picture in picture.
yes, what people are going to watch the webcast, I can change that quickly.
so this is local, not
confused, net asset, less attack people can see this remotely. when they're watching the webcast, where was I so PowerPoint gosh?
ever go
so yeah, having its own tab.
we, this
system only works if you go SpaceManager pink cooked into it, and that means that only works with hybrid meetings would be nice if you could actually just
like connect remote, be able to do completely remote eating and be able to start to fall for those meetings and be able to manage or that remotely this is a little bit longer.
a way away, fortunately, because,
yeah, we need to build a bit more for charity into this.
as I said earlier,
ought for that one laptop solution, where the fact that you have to select the window of teams in abeyance.
as a bit of a manual manual step that we want to remove at some point.
and I think we've covered quite a few of the ideas
already about some of them, about multiple options,
about the ability to change your vote.
that will add to this.
that's all right.
I am going to move into the next part of our meeting.
which is the stream box.
we've come up with the new encoder because some clients wanted to be able to catch us more meetings, we have already a full feature that school connect anywhere that allows you to use a laptop and to connect anywhere on it and capture from a single webcam, but it's not enough it is fixed shut, it's not
always appropriate. people prefer senior Councillors with a headshot, you know, not from a wide angle,
the good thing is that since I've changed quite a bit, these are quite a bit the technology has moved on quite a bit and you now have 360 cameras available
so, we now use a our camera how lapse camera we can have one or even two.
out on that, you put in the middle of your meeting room.
you have an encoder, that's a small stream books, same sizes as as ours, about 20 centimetres I
and it's very portable you just have to plug in.
a power supply, and you can actually start recording, we've actually explained in a bit about the connectivity, but that allows you to capture a single room with maybe 10 or nine people in it
with one out,
if you connect a second owl.
you can have up to 20 people in the meeting room, we are limited in terms of the audio range, I think the
the range for for the two hours is up to a meeting
video range of 8 comma 5 metres.
from from one end to the other.
in terms of the OJEU is actually a bit further, so it will pick up a bit further
if you want to have a nice frame of the person speaking, you want to be about 3 metres from the from the out,
so it gives you an idea of what size rooms you can put this into usually smaller committee rooms, the idea is that the operator sits on one side of the room.
connects the the the box to the one out there, with our number one, sorry,
the the two hours going OK together via Wi-Fi, so you don't have to you only have to pour this one up.
and and you can start streaming
the the operator uses the touchscreen this directly on the box and you really recognise the interface, this is the same as your tablet interface, allows you to select the meeting, stop and stop the stream tag, the agenda points the meeting
and message. the services, the service desk through the messenger tap,
so you don't need to do the speaker names and sinks or unfortunately you can't have speaking names, or when you're recording this with this device, something that we might do later on in future with a bit of, no, a
craziness. but for now.
the good thing is that you have a nice frame where the people person that's speaking.
the group said, as well as that, we've added
hybrid functionality so you can bring in people from teams or Zuma and so on
and do remote participation,
so we plugging a laptop via USB and HDMI, just like you do in your chamber. and then that means that more people can see the camera. of the person that's speaking remotely,
so this is an example here, so it's more, but yeah. this is actually a better example in a minute.
in terms of connectivity, I'm not going to bore you with the technical details, one thing to remember is that we can provide a 4G,
we provide a 4G connectivity with it, that means we don't need to plug into your.
through your corporate network, if you prefer not to have to have a fat
of opening reports and seeing that you can stream directly from the 4G.
but obviously we would prefer to have Wi-Fi connection, so we also provide that as an option.
there's also I didn't put it on on there, but we can also do Wi-Fi as well if you want to,
and then you got your hybrid functionality
where you plug in your actually my.
and you can also connect you extra in a stream, so people can see there are more people in the room.
so the package.
we talked about all the functionality, I think it is actually a bit more than that, but yeah, you can actually stream live tag your gender points, do the hybrid functionality and you get support that you would normally get as well with your full set-up.
we expect, obviously, to be poised to be much easier to use, because it's only a couple of cables to plug in, and the nice thing about the hour is that you really simply put it in a minute or table and you don't have to do anything else it will capture itself automatically.
until the prices you want to see talk to your account managers about yeah, we are looking at something like a rental of the books for about 8,000 pounds a year.
about the hours, this is something I imagine that you want to talk to you.
to your account managers about the ideas that we make it cheaper was also
because it doesn't have the full functionality that your Chamber will have.
you have a question about, yes, so so that that quote there to care for the hardware that's leased, that's not an outright purchase,
that's least yet.
that's it.
good. in terms of what it looks like
and and is just to ask, questions, 18 is a year per hour, so I think the the default that we'd be going for is two hours, isn't it stuff her
so a bit yeah the better for a meeting room with maybe 20 or 30?
like 20 people in the room, you'd want to have two hours in the room. we think the pricing was we showed was for the two hours yeah, that's right, so it might be actually cheaper with the with the one.
matters, you have a question now, so you wanted to press your mind, that's fine, so what had happened?
just to show you
what looks like a marshy mute, the Mike, the OJEU, because that might be a bit weird.
Alex McLeish.
the key question is a question from Greg evidence just had done that they already have some owls and it will be able to use them to get them from public car seat, but you wouldn't necessarily need to get them from a security have them, I suppose we could look at a cheaper, cheaper rental if that's not part of the hardware that you needed to rent from us then yeah I'm sure if he checks your calendar we can look at different pricing round for that and put them at all.
yes, good idea.
let me assure you a snippet of it, I think I need to stop the sharing from
share the audio with it.
for that, so all you.
OK, I need my microphone to avoid a feedback.
the reordering of the waiting list
sorry, it's not a lad, we might not hear the other way well.
I'm just going to show snippets of it, and the idea is that you get to see what the owl looks like, so this is on the on the right-hand side, right inside this is the army boardroom view this is meets switching between the different patient picture modes
and, you get to see the remoteness well-disposed from him.
we had on this course three of us in the picture, on the right-hand side here.
workers we were speaking, but if you've just got one person speaks for a long time, you might just see them, yeah yeah, so it's very intelligent and yes, very pleased with
the way it looks when it looks a bit like the 70 s kind of Dallas.
the show is.
the mood between the two.
but yeah.
let me stop the or do you
OK and we're going to see if we have some questions on that.
to that, sorry that.
OK, do we have any questions on this?
let's take up a point so.
so a lot of work, all this.
last with all the screens, now we're doing a day when.
that's OK, sorry about that.
so do we have any questions on this?
it's not Eric K well, it's just somebody not only to get to about a hybrid niche in general, if fan.
yes, if anybody is interested in trawling out one and getting in stowed in having a playground with an stuff,
we should be available in next month's to do a lot of the work can be done remotely.
but when asked if it's worth going through the sort of the requirements that they would need on site if they were doing it with a single laptop as post, if they needed two laptops, I know some people here have already got SpaceManager if or you know one of the older versions of SpaceManager
pre, connect remote but I dunno fit one it wants to get through what is required if they wanted to come in and test it as well as just you know, the microphones.
yes, we, I think we explained that a little bit at the beginning of the of the slide show, and maybe it wasn't quite clear, but yeah we do, we can provide this, I would provide the slides ready for this and as, as you say I think you guys should really leave the get.
talking to you to your clients if they express the the need for for using carbon link, but yes, we can do this with a one laptop set-up.
a lot of the time
you have avi hybrids, set up in the in the room, and that should work,
there's, as I said, we want to make sure that we can connect to a microphone system via the Ethernet cable I think that's the main thing.
There is also the to laptop setup
which is more for security purposes if you want the team's laptop to be on a separate network,
if that's a requirement from your IT department,
and that way you will capture the teams with an extra capture card within the rules, so it's still using the same set-up that you have but adding an extra captured calendar laptop in them.
hope that answers your question.
I think
this is all a question for Lisa
listen again, I just wanted to go back to my good because we've now got the use of the a speaker function and we're no use to the queuing system, can I just check you say that penalty can be given to the Chair so that they can always speak
as with the UK and I sort of teams
we have the lectern set up and that's changed to
between speakers, can the microphone use their be given the same player oddity so that? the ad asked by the Chair to respond to any questions didn't have to certain accusers that
that's yeah, it's just my naive ticket with no use that I just wanted to quickly out that even getting somebody nodding their heads, so that's fine.
yeah, that's fine, so you've got to do the same, the centres to some reason at the moment you can set the the letter Nina up as a as a priority Mike really easily, so I can tell you so he has to the after this if you like,
version to go to scale.
well I think that was good, there was good demo about people this
yeah. I'm very pleased with the part spatial. Nothing has been rights been great to have you guys as well down here
we're going to have a bet launch, we're gonna to
have a look, quick look at the stream box as well, we're going to show it, by the way, at the LGA, if any of you are going to be at the beginning of July, we'd be present,
I for anybody remember, I think it's in your e-mail
usually concerned by yet remember which boof we're going to be in
so, and maybe you should know OK, fine idea, as we remember. It's got it on these ymail, but yeah, we'd be, we'd be in there
while standby L 1 1.
and yes, it was quite exciting, which show we showed that we also have the explain about high billing for teams, but we always hear talk to us we are, this is the great thing about Public-i, you get a lot of sports, you get the account managers as well.
the up here so yeah talk to us for better or for worse this year we can improve as well
on the software, but also on a on delivery side, and so on
and step,
I understand you have a voting system built into this.
is it worth just getting some feedback from from everybody on this turbo about whether the
the Street box might be useful.
for those smaller meetings or for travelling a bit lighter than a portable system.
I should have asked this before people have been leaving now that's fine, we'll do all we do quicker, that's fine very quick
becomes because this really is far more portable then you know the old portable key 900 p 870
so if there's a need to to capture meetings on the go quite easily for setup voice this is will be the solution for it so be interested to understand whether councils want or have any further concerns or muses for that.
yes, very good.
sorry guys, I think it's also important to sorry tack on to your point is on that you know, in terms of cost as well, compared to penal hundreds and other bits these you know the system will be, I think, significantly more
more more portable for
a lot of reasons.
yeah yeah
and Les, and I think I think, come back to us about price points as well, so we we want to hear feedback from our clients, you know we, we've put a a price point in there, but give us your thoughts on that
you do want to use it.
but that that becomes an obstacle and we want to know what that obstacle is and what we might need to do
Croeso of actually added the vote now, so it gets converted in in the room with your microphone systems or fuel remote you can use the chat facility you should see a vote button,
I click on that and you should be able to actually use the vote.
I express.
your result.
we're proud promised we won't call you straight away.
optical appliances that manner.
no, we don't know yet yeah thanks very much.
yeah, could you display the results, stepping in curious?
growth yeah, I will
do that,
is it because I'm chairing and during the hour giving his own is on the up and used to
just night,
I don't know, I don't have SpaceManager here, I'm afraid, so I can't help you with that
that's fine, that's fine, I can handle it, you see him, I'm happy
but yet, so this is the book at the moment, so it's good, we're still winning
I'm going to end the vote now, if you've always voted,
we can see the item's results as
a couple of messages,
that's our we don't need that for now step, or it's just just to get an overview of what people thought yeah,
thank you for doing that.
and that's OK.
some people say we are poor.
we understand, obviously, the extra cost we we do want, and that's why we wanted to come at a lower price point as well on the hours, do give us some some feedback on that we want we want to understand.
all that so
yeah, if you want to turn
that yeah sorry just to to to raise a point, that's great, you're absolutely correct, I think. you know, the price point that we put up there, that is for 200 hours of streaming annually, which is a lot of webcasting.
Obviously there are clients that use that much. I'm not sure anybody on the list today is necessarily that high, but you know in terms of you know at that price point is obviously adjustable, based on your usage, so you, in terms of the actual
cost for the unit itself, is any to 2000 out of that cost so yeah is important to remember that that that a number can be adjusted and obviously the price with it
yes, negotiable, yes, absolutely
men are necessarily the correct here, that's this right, and obviously I would be happy to fill any questions you know, account managers or or whoever will or will happy to fill any questions about this you know our products are coming.
yeah, I suppose it's also worth mentioning that we saw this as a as a solution for councils that don't actually webcast using, I will solution so no more than the town and parish councils that
whose budgets are even smaller than then you guys are sitting on the table today
so yeah, if you've got a Kinect contract with us already, I imagine you know we would look at that and we will look more favourably on that. If you want to adopt the Steam Box as well as you'll know more Kinect contracts as well
I said yeah, thanks for reminding that Seren very good.
so yeah, so let me show the Rimbaud I think we can we can't finish this meeting now and look at that we're on time until 30 almost.
like to thank everyone to join in.
and we'll see you again soon, we're going to do a user group thing is going to have to be bigging up the like September or October,
because it's been a why,
and yet we need to see where we're going to do it but yeah we we haven't done one for a while now I think or see this.
it's nice to get a good back and force on on this, we want to also talk about the webcasting at the next user group, so we would do that very soon when Emily comes back from holiday.
so yes, see you soon and thank you very much for joining today.
and season
thanks, everybody.
enjoy your lunch.